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winter roses.

I’m so lucky to live in Southern California, where I can get away with wearing holiday dresses all winter long. I’ve always hated wearing a ton of layers, so if it ever gets too cold in LA, I’ll just throw on a coat or tights to stay warm. I wore this amazing winter white dress […]

she she bon bon giveaway.

She She Bon Bon is all about sharing what you stand for. It’s about positive messages and empowering mottos that will leave you thinking. I love that there is a company out there spreading messages about being more elegant, classy and compassionate, as opposed to other brands that have been promoting negative phrases. You can […]

holiday dress guide.

I’m the queen of holiday dresses! I’m always caught wearing metallic, snow-like dresses, sequins and plenty of red this time of year. It’s one of my favorite seasons to dress up for since you can get away with wearing more upscale princess like dresses. This year I’ve gotten a variety of amazing dresses from Garage […]

all leather.

This vegan leather top from LuLu*s is one of the greatest shirts for Fall. It keeps you warm while it keeps you cool. 😉 I got it a while ago and instead of pairing it with a simple black skirt or jeans, I thought it would go perfect with this pleated leather skirt that I […]

spottie dottie.

I got this awesome polka dot coat from ASOS a couple of months ago. I thought of it as one of those statement pieces that you’d have to tone down with neutral colors, but then I thought it would be pretty amazing to do the opposite. So, that’s what I did. I just added more […]

black swan.

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! I spent it in the land of 10,000 Lakes with A/J and his family. They are all so great and though I was nervous, I fit in with them quite well. After Thanksgiving, we had a beautiful time visiting museums, shops and seeing their parade, Hollidazzle! I’ll be […]