how to be skinny, you ask?

tiffany borland fashion blogger fitness

I’d have to say that the #1 question I get asked from my blog, in person, on social media, etc. etc. would have to be: How did you get so skinny? First off, I never “got” skinny, I’ve always naturally been skinny due to having hyperthyroidism. It’s caused me to have an extremely fast metabolism and with that, I’ve always had trouble putting on weight. Second off, you should never ask someone about being skinny, instead you should ask about being healthier, because at the end of the day that’s really what matters.

I’ve always been very thin, but for as long as I could remember I’ve also been very unhealthy. Although I never gave in to alcohol (I’ve only had 2 alcoholic drinks my whole life), drugs, cigarettes, even soda or chocolate. Everyone always assumed I was healthy because I was thin & never drank but I hardly worked out, I ate every dessert you could imagine and tons of candy every day. I had horrible eating habits and a coffee order that had more sugar than actual coffee. I loved everything sweet – Cake, Pie, Ice Cream, Macarons, you name it! It wasn’t until I got diagnosed with prediabetes that I started to think about my health. We always joke about sugar and diabetes and think it could never happen to us. But it can! I did tons of research on (pre)diabetes and learned that Halle Berry was diagnosed with Type 2. I read articles about how she dealt with it and it opened my eyes. I was incredibly lucky to catch things early on by getting PRE-diabetes, which is reversible, as long as I maintain a healthy diet with balanced sugar.

los angeles fashion blogger health

I’ve made a huge lifestyle change since and have switched up everything from my eating habits to my work ethic. I honestly feel much healthier. I’m more focused and less tired. I feel better now than I ever have and have realized how important it is to be healthy NOT thin. So, with that said, I won’t tell you how to be skinny but I’d love to tell you how I keep healthy:

  • More Water. This is the most common advice regarding health, but it’s almost always over looked. Simply drink more water– It’s easy and you’ll be better all around. When you wake up, drink one glass of water before anything else, it will speed up your metabolism and suppress hunger. I drink about 4 glasses of water a day and it’s still not enough.
  • No sugar. I started by removing sugar from my coffee. I read labels on everything. I try to stay under 5g sugar. To put things in perspective: 4g of sugar = 1 tsp.
  • I have one fruit a day whether it’s an apple, orange or banana. The natural sugar is enough.
  • I stay away from fried foods. I have grilled chicken or salmon, instead of red meat.
  • Don’t drink alcohol. Like I said, I’ve only had two drinks my whole life because I simply never felt like I needed it. I’ve always been very social naturally and I honestly don’t like the taste of alcohol. I still go to bars and hang out. I just drink water.
  • No smoking. I’ve never tried a cigarette, because I’ve always remembered in school when they showed the photos of a healthy lung VS a smokers lung. it just grossed me out. Google photos if you have to. Smoking just isn’t worth, it’s not cost effective.
  • I go to yoga at least once a week. It’s not only great for your body, but it calms you down and frees your mind. I wish I did it every day.
  • I do 88 sit ups a day. I chose 88 because I like the number 8. Haha. It helps to keep my stomach toned.
  • I walk. A Lot. Take the stairs if you have to or park a bit further. Every step counts.
  • Hike. I usually hike twice a month. If you can’t hike due to whether conditions, try to invest in a treadmill to keep you active.

My daily meals:

  • Breakfast: Yogurt with Granola & Fruits OR Acai Bowl with Granola, Fruits and Coconut Shavings. On the weekends, I eat Salmon Bagels because they’re delicious.
  • Snack: 1 KIND bar – be sure to get the ones that read “Only 5g sugar”. My favorites are – Caramel & Sea Salt & Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt
  • Lunch: Kale Salad or a Grilled Chicken/Chicken Salad Sandwich. I try to stay away from meat and have one “Vegan” day a week.
  • Dinner: I tend to mix up my dinner options. I have Sushi 1-2 nights a week and usually Italian on the weekends. I limit my portions and usually split a meal with my boyfriend when we eat out. If I eat Mexican food, it’s usually half a burrito or two tacos. If I eat pizza it’s usually one slice. Just eat half of whatever you normally eat, you’ll get used to it.

Phew! That was a bit to take in, and I’m definitely no health expert but I feel like if you slowly work at maintaining sugar, alcohol and portion sizes along with some daily work outs, you’ll not only lose weight but you’ll feel much happier and healthier. It’s been such a drastic change since I’ve cut back on sugar. I wake up and feel rested, I’m more focused throughout the day and I have a lot more energy. My skin is more clear and so is my mind! I think getting prediabetes, in a way, was the best thing that’s happened to me because it forced me to make changes that I probably wouldn’t have.

Post Script.
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