
silverlake jubilee.

I had the best time last weekend at the Silverlake Jubilee. I got to spend the day with one of my favorite people (Cynthia) and I also ran into a ton of good friends (and made some new friends too). beer gardens. hey there, face here! little tofu burgers. baby pies. friends. jordan&cynthia. shoes! i […]

fyf / pomona art walk.

Just a few photos from the FYF Fan Appreciation Show and the Pomona Art Walk that happened last weekend. people and their art. A painting I found at a vintage store. The outfit I wore. Better photos are a couple entries down… Little shops. I bought a bunch of bows from a lady there. Coolest […]

this weekend.

Friday night, I went to see Gustavo Alfonzo play on the Rox with Nikko Gray. It was amazing. They’re both such great performers. On Saturday, I had a dinner party to go to and the food was SO good! Anyhow, here are some photos from the weekend: Gustavo & Nikko. twinsies. & just a couple […]

sunset junction.

Sunset Junction was amazing this year. I wish I took more photos, but I think these three show the highlight of the night. Jenny Lewis and Conor Oberst, two of my favorite musicians. xoTiffany