

Two thousand twelve has been one of my favorite years to date. I’ve always been a fan of twos and ones and I turned twenty-two in early January and that made everything superstitiously meaningful. This year, I didn’t break any hearts or lose any friends or care too much about anything. Oh wait. Actually one […]

hello sailor.

This is from a while back but I spent my boyfriend’s birthday in Long Beach, where he played Lobster Fest and we spent the night on the Queen Mary. So, what better outfit than this nautical inspired dress? It was perfect for the setting and I wish I could’ve hopped into a time machine and […]

instagram – october.

So, I finally got an Instagram to document my outfits, daily activities, things I like and the fun adventures my boyfriend & I go on. I update it about every day and it’s probably the easiest way to see what I’m up to! Here are some photos from Halloween, visiting museums, botanical gardens, Saint Motel’s […]

happy halloween.

Halloween is such an interesting holiday. We all wear costumes and mask and paint our faces, so that we’re unrecognizable. Then we scare one another and eat candy. We really can be anyone or anything we want this day. Why do we only do this once a year?! It should happen at least once a […]


I went to Disneyland last week and it was so amazing/magical/spectacular/every-positive-adjective. If you haven’t been in a while, I suggest that you go. California Adventure has a new section called Cars Land and it is unlike anything else. They have cars that look like the cartoon… just driving around and an entire desert set up. […]

design for humanity.

This past Wednesday, I got invited to Billabong’s Design for Humanity event (Thanks It was unlike anything else, in the Paramount Studio Lot in Hollywood. Live bands played, Runway shows took place…Oh! and they had free Chipotle and Coffee! I love events that aren’t just Open Bar..because I don’t drink and I always feel […]